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Jane Justin
Counselling and Psychotherapy

7 Common Myths About Anxiety
Anxiety can affect us in many ways. We may find ourselves shaky or soaked in sweat before an important meeting or job interview. We may...

5 Ways To Combat Low Self-Esteem
Life presents us with many challenges. These can be so much harder to face if we don’t believe in ourselves. How can we cope with the...

Do I Need Counselling?
We all experience difficulties in life. Having problems in a relationship; feeling unhappy or anxious about going to work; living with...

Understanding Summer Depression
Summer is here, so why am I feeling depressed? Summertime is here and it seems as if everyone around us is smiling and cheerful, enjoying...

Self-Care: The Key To Good Mental Health
How often do I ask myself “how am I feeling today? Is there anything I need?” For so many of us the answer is “never”. Life can be so...

Can Mindfulness Help With Anxiety And Depression
How often do we ask ourselves “how am I feeling right now?”. For many of us the answer is “never”. Our lives are so busy. It’s easy to...

Simple Ways to Achieve Mindfulness And Improve Your Mental Health
Take a moment to ask yourself what you are thinking about at this moment. Chances are it’s not about the here and now. So often our mind...

5 Things Most People Don't Know About Depression
Depression can effect us in many ways. We may feel constantly tired or irritable even after resting. We often lose our temper and snap at...

5 Things Most People Don't Know About Social Anxiety
What is social anxiety? Feeling sick and shaky before a meeting or presentation at work. Constant thoughts that everyone is watching us...

Facing Fear: How Can I Beat My Panic Attacks?
Seemingly out of nowhere my heart starts racing, I have difficulty breathing and I feel sick and faint. At the same time there is an...
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